snwlprd's Hiatus

Hello everyone and welcome to a quick status update of Tiro Finale. Due to a major academic exam coming up, I (snwlprd) will be taking a hiatus from Tiro Finale until the 5th of September. Prior to this, I have spent some time preparing for the exams while balancing my work and writing for Tiro Finale. Unfortunately, it has come to the point where the time I have devoted for Tiro Finale ultimately has to be sacrificed for my academic purposes. This decision was one that was extremely difficult for me to make and one that I decided on after a long period of deliberation. Even then, there is no guarantee that I will even pass said exam. Nevertheless, I intend to give it my all and work harder than I ever have before in order to pass. When all is said and done, I will be back to Tiro Finale working twice as hard to make up for all the content that I have left behind. Do not fear as Tiro Finale will not go into cold stasis over the next month as our other great writers will be taking the helm then. Just do not expect daily content updates now that we are understaffed. I do not want to make this announcement too long and I hope you will await my return to Tiro Finale in September. Until then, for the last time in some time, thank you so much for reading and have yourself a wonderful day ahead.


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