Back to Gunpla

On a side note, I'm back to building Gunpla again. Figured I'd take a break from all the figure shenanigans and spend a little time on my origins, mecha. Long before I started collecting figures, Gunpla was my one and only obsession. So much so that I still have a large collection of unbuilt kits that I tell myself I'll get to one day. Well, seeing as how I'm on break now, it would be a perfect time to start again.

It's really fun and you haven't already tried it, I highly recommend it! Where the thrill of figure collecting comes largely from the hunt and collections aspect, Gunpla is completely different. Building a kit with your own two hands and tools then, seeing it form to shape is extremely rewarding. Not to mention, the kits manufactured by Bandai these days are absolutely top notch.

That's all for this little update today. I'm planning to start a new review over the weekend but, I've yet to find a right place to photograph. Hopefully, I would have things sorted out by then. Anyway, thanks so much again for reading and have a fantastic day ahead!


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