Not So Random Shots of the Day

Will the work ever finish? I'm hoping by the end of tonight it will, if not I genuinely fear I might not be able to produce a review this week. An outcome I am genuinely hoping does not come to fruition. In the meantime, to make up for the lack of content this week, here are a two shots of the lovely Nico-chan. They're basically the same shot albeit a different background. I'm not sure which I like better. Somehow the one with the living room as my background feels a little embarrassing for me.

So, that's why I ended up taking one with a plain white background instead. The shots aren't as sharp as I like them to usually be because I had to take both these shots quickly and post it up. I hope you like the shots and rest assured, more content will be coming soon. Now, back to work.

Oh! Before I forget, have a great day everyone!


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